Circuit Cellar Ink Index


David Tweed

Welcome to my index of Circuit Cellar Ink, the best magazine devoted to hardware and embedded computer development, or "What's Inside the Box".

This index can now be considered semi-"official", as I am now on the Circuit Cellar staff, and a version of it is used on the CDROMs. However, maintaining the index is not one of my official duties; I still do this on my own time as my contribution to the Circuit Cellar community.

Note: I have finally started adding biography and contact information to the author pages; authors may wish to review this information periodically to make sure it stays current.

This is a text-only* site, which means that although there's lots of information here, access should be very fast, even over a slow link. It also means that you get to control the appearance of these pages. If you don't like the colors, fonts or sizes, just change them in your browser.

Link to the Official Circuit Cellar Web Site

Link to Circuit Cellar Online

hosted by ChipCenter.

Tables of Contents

These links take you to the full table of contents for each issue, including article abstracts.

A few of the articles are available on line as PDF PDF files and/or as HTML (in which case, the article title is a link).

Note that the magazine was bimonthly for the first five years, but has been monthly since February 1993.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1988 #1 #2 {#3} #4 {#5} #6
1989 #7 #8 {#9} {#10} #11 {#12}
1990 #13 {#14} {#15} #16 #17 #18
1991 {#19} #20 {#21} #22 #23 {#24}
1992 {#25} {#26} {#27} {#28} {#29} #30
1993 {#31} {#32} #33 #34 #35 #36 #37 #38 {#39} #40 #41
1994 {#42} {#43} #44 {#45} {#46} {#47} {#48} {#49} {#50} {#51} {#52} {#53}
1995 {#54} {#55} {#56} {#57} {#58} {#59} {#60} {#61} {#62} {#63} #64 #65
1996 #66 #67 {#68} #69 #70 #71 #72 #73 #74 {#75} #76 #77
1997 #78 #79 #80 #81 #82 {#83} {#84} {#85} {#86} {#87} {#88} {#89}
1998 {#90} {#91} {#92} {#93} {#94} {#95} {#96} {#97} {#98} {#99} {#100} {#101}
1999 {#102} {#103} {#104} {#105} {#106} {#107} {#108} {#109} {#110} {#111} {#112} {#113}
2000 {#114} {#115} {#116} {#117} {#118} {#119} {#120} {#121} {#122} {#123} {#124} {#125}
2001 {#126} {#127} {#128} {#129} {#130} {#131} {#132} {#133} {#134} {#135} {#136} {#137}
2002 {#138} {#139} {#140} {#141} {#142} {#143} {#144} {#145} {#146} {#147} {#148} {#149}
2003 {#150} {#151} {#152} {#153} {#154} {#155} {#156} {#157} {#158} {#159} {#160} {#161}
2004 {#162} {#163} {#164} {#165} {#166} {#167} {#168} {#169} {#170} {#171} {#172} {#173}
2005 {#174} {#175} {#176} {#177} {#178} {#179} {#180} {#181} {#182} {#183} {#184} {#185}
2006 {#186} {#187} {#188} {#189} {#190} {#191} {#192} {#193} {#194} {#195} {#196} {#197}
2007 {#198} {#199} {#200} {#201} {#202} {#203} {#204} {#205} {#206} {#207} {#208} {#209}
2008 {#210} {#211} {#212} {#213} {#214} {#215} {#216} {#217} {#218} {#219} {#220} {#221}
2009 {#222} {#223} {#224} {#225} {#226} {#227} {#228} {#229} {#230} {#231} {#232} {#233}
2010 {#234} {#235} {#236} {#237} {#238} {#239} {#240} {#241}

{ } indicates issues that have some articles online.

Author Index

This link takes you to a complete index of all authors and editors. Each author has a listing of his or her articles, cross-linked to the tables of contents.

FTP Index

This link takes you to a complete index of the Circuit Cellar FTP server, except for the magazine-related files, which can be accessed through each issue's Table of Contents, above. These pages include the descriptions found in the !FILES.TXT index files in each directory, which should make browsing much more convenient.

BYTE Articles

Because of recent interest in comp.os.cpm, Steve has graciously allowed me to repost PDFs of certain Circuit Cellar columns from BYTE:


You can download the database from which this web site was created as a compressed ZIP file (1008642 bytes).

The index itself is contained in the file 'cajindex.txt'. Each article is represented by a block of text giving the issue number, page, author(s), title, subtitle, and abstract (if available). Articles are separated from each other with a blank line. You can use an ordinary text editor to examine and/or search this file, or any of a number of search tools like 'grep'.

A short AWK script, 'search.awk', is included in the ZIP file. It makes searching for and listing entries a little neater. It can be executed by the 'mawk' program available on the BBS. Just type:

      mawk -f search.awk pattern
to get a list of citations that contain pattern.

There is (was) another index from Dan Hopping floating around the files area on the BBS called 'cciindex'; it is incomplete, but I've incorporated its one-line descriptions into 'cajindex' where possible.


If you enjoy this site, or have any questions or comments, I would appreciate hearing from you. Send mail to cajindex. Here is my Home Page.

Except for the descriptive text on this page, everything you see on this site was generated from the above database by a PERL script. If you would like to know how that's done, or need similar work performed, I am available for consulting. Please write.

To do list:

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