Circuit Cellar Ink 72
July 1996

Table of Contents


Ken Davidson

Task Manager

An Exterminator's Dream


Reader I/O

Letters to the Editor


Harv Weiner

New Product News


Jerry Merrill

Alternative Debugging Techniques

Debugging is not easy. Processors may be too old, new, or fast for ICEs or a project too low profile and short term to warrant the expense. So, try processor-independent hardware-assisted debugging.


Graham Moss
Ross McMillan
Ken Mardle

In-Circuit Emulators

Part 1: Development Tool Options

Debugging code for an embedded controller can be a nightmare. So, when the sweat is really breaking across your brow, it's handy to have the latest on what types of debugging tools are available.


Jim Sibigtroth

A Single-Wire Development Interface

The speed, pin count, and external addressing of new MCUs defeat old debugging methods. Jim overcomes such problems with the new single-wire background debug mode interface on Motorola's latest.


Arvind Rana

Designing with Flash Memory

After bringing us up-to-date with what flash is and when it's used, Arvind probes the hardware and software issues related to designing with flash. The big issues come down to proper software algorithms.


Bob W. Meister

LSI-11 Simulator on a Personal Computer

This simulator faithfully executes the PDP instruction set and DEC's RT-11 single-user OS. It supports floppy and hard disks, line printers, clocks, console input and output.... It even runs at the same speed.

Download: LSI11.ZIP


Ed Nisley

Firmware Furnace

80x86 Performance: Touring the CPU Spectrum

Last month, Ed showed how all the CPU horsepower in the world won't help a program that doesn't do much computing. This time, he burns CPU while doing hardly any I/O at all. Finally, he gets results more in line with the marketing hype.


Jeff Bachiochi

From the Bench

Hard Facts About Soft Ferrites

Fabricated magnetic materials mystify most. Jeff explains the differences between hard and soft ferrite. He closes with an overview of its use in power supplies, EMI and RFI beads, power inductors and transformers, torroids, and baluns.


Tom Cantrell

Silicon Update

Flight of the Phoenix

Zilog has risen from its ashes. It offers the S180 processor along with an evaluation/emulation board. Ironically, it's a chip off the old Z80, CTC, PIO, and SIO, the cornerstones of Zilog's glory in the 1970s.


Advertiser's Index


Ken Davidson

ConnecTime -- Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS


Steve Ciarcia

Priority Interrupt

Debugging -- Not a Committee Experience

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