Circuit Cellar Ink 15
June/July 1990

Table of Contents


Curtis Franklin, Jr.

Editor's INK

Applications for All


Reader's INK

Letters to the Editor


New Product News


Visible INK

Letters to the INK Research Staff


J. Conrad Hubert

Implementing a ComeFrom Statement

Discover Where Your Code Has Been

Sure, everyone talks about a ComeFrom -- but no one codes one. Jim Hubert decided to stop talking and start programming, and this useful technique is the result.


Chris Ciarcia

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

Modeling Synthetic Actors and Real-World Interactions

Robotics, animation, and artificial intelligence all come together at the point of building structures that respond to their environment. A look at the important similarities can bring new direction to your robotics work.


David Otten

Building MITEE Mouse III

Part 1 -- The Hardware for a Maze-Running Rodent

The Micromouse contest is a respected event in the world of robotics. Autonomous robotic mice must solve a maze, and maximize for time. This Circuit Cellar INK Design Contest winner has won Micromouse competitions around the world. Part 1 shows the hardware for the robotic rodent.



Ken Davidson

PDF CEBus Update

How is the Health of EIA's Baby?

The preliminary standard is out, and now the real fun begins! Managing Editor Ken Davidson has gone inside the CEBus committee to bring back the latest news on the state of the home automation industry's most important standard.


Steve Ciarcia

PDF Build a Low-Power Data Logger

Computerized Data Collector Runs For Years on a Battery

The most crucial decision in the automation process is the first: To automate or not to automate? Making an intelligent decision requires real data, and Steve Ciarcia shows you how to get it in this hands-on construction project.


Ed Nisley

PDF Build a Power Frequency Monitor

Counting Cycles Until it Hertz

We take a lot for granted: The sun will shine, taxes will go up, and AC will come in at 60 Hz. Ed Nisley has checked it out, and shows that the last assumption may not always be true. His AC frequency monitor can help you trace the source of those mysterious motor problems and timing fluctuations.



J. Conrad Hubert
Dick Hubert

Building Etude

Part 2 -- A 25-MHz Analog-to-Digital Converter for the PC Bus

Part 1 gave you the hardware, now learn about the driver routines for a cost-effective 25 MHz A/D converter board.

Download: ETUDE.ARC


Ed Nisley

Firmware Furnace

The Furnace Firmware Project -- Process Control on the Home Front



Jeff Bachiochi

From the Bench

Power Control Basics -- Choosing the Best Digital Power Control Option for your Application


Advertiser's Index


Tom Cantrell

Silicon Update

Chips for Artificial Intelligence -- I've Seen the Future -- and It Is Fuzzy


Ken Davidson

ConnecTime -- Excerpts from the Circuit Cellar BBS


Steve Ciarcia

Steve's Own INK


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