6Elizabeth Laurencot | Task ManagerHousehold Variable = Steady Work |
8Harv Weiner | New Product News
12Bill Dudley | Build a MIDI Sustain PedalBill set out to take care of the shortcomings of his wife's electronic keyboard by building a MIDI sustain pedal using a 68HC11 and C. Sit back and enjoy the performance as he gets the hardware and software in tune.Download: Dudley.ZIP |
20Richard Lao |
With its good noise immunity and notable filtering action over the digitization interval,a dual-slope ADC was Richard's first choice when designing a prototype of a system to measure stresses in a beam. And there's more to the story than that...
26Mike Baptiste |
36Stuart Ball | What's the Count?Build an AVR-Controlled Frequency CounterIf you've ever needed a simple, inexpensive frequency counter, the Count-4 may be just what you're looking for. Pay attention as Stuart recounts building this microprocessor-controlled autoranging frequency counter.Download: Ball.ZIP |
Embedded PC44Harv Weiner | Nouveau PC
Embedded PC46Ingo Cyliax | Real-Time PCSerial Port InterfacingHaving worked on plenty of projects that use this common interface, sure, Ingo can give us the full scoop on serial port interfacing in general. But he'll also focus on the software required to talk to the serial port under (surprise!) Linux.Download: Cyliax.ZIP |
Embedded PC52Fred Eady | Applied PCsSending a DOS Stamp AirmailEver wonder why the air inside airplanes is so dry? Neither did Fred, until he was asked to design a system to increase the humidity in the cockpit of a 737. Fortunately, a DOS Stamp gets this embedded system off the ground. |
60Hari Ramachandran | IrDA TechnologyPart 2: Protocol LayersIn the second half of this series, Hari explains, what he feels, is the most daunting step of working with Infrared Data Association (IrDA) solutions -- implementing the protocols. Pack your bags, you're on your way to understanding IrDA.Download: Ramachandran.zip |
66Mark Balch | MicroSeriesHigh-Definition TV, Part 1: Video Formats and TransportYou may still be watching "Seinfeld" reruns in 2006, but according to the FCC, you won't be watching them via analog NTSC signals. Stay tuned as Mark kicks off this series on HDTV formats and signal transportation. |
74Jeff Bachiochi | From the BenchWithout Acceleration, Part 1: All We Have Left is VelocitySensor technology now packages sensors and signal conditioning in small surface-mount chips. Here's a way to design an accelerometer data-acquisition system using a sensor on a chip. |
78Tom Cantrell | Silicon UpdateLPC -- The Little Processor that CouldLPC may stand for "low pin count" or "low price chip" or any number of things, but this new family of '51s from Philips offers much more than fun with words. Tom has the all the info on this new microcontroller. |
83 | HTML Test Your EQ |
95 | Advertiser's Index / December Preview |
96Steve Ciarcia | HTML Priority InterruptAnother Typical Trip |
Circuit Cellar OnlineDuane Perkins |
Today's digital volt-ohm meters are great for measuring DC volts. But, try measuring AC volts and you'll find more than a few problems. To make life easier, Duane used an MCU to calculate the root-mean-square of any waveform that's being measured and display the true RMS voltage.
Circuit Cellar OnlineTodd Rytting |
According to Todd, the wave of embedded Internet will be no more than a ripple unless we find an appropriate hardware/software solution for the millions of devices with 8- and 16-bit micros. Faced with the challenge of designing an Internet-enabled vending machine, emWare's engineers are on the right track.
Circuit Cellar OnlineDaniel Mann |
Circuit Cellar OnlineIngo Cyliax |
Circuit Cellar OnlineBob Perrin |
Circuit Cellar OnlineGeorge Martin |
Circuit Cellar OnlineTom Cantrell |
Circuit Cellar OnlineJeff Bachiochi | HTML Ask Us, The Engineer's Tech-Help ResourceLet us help keep your project on track or simplify your design decision. Put your tough technical questions in front of the ASK US team. In an engineering predicament? Read questions & answers from other engineers. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineBob Perrin | What's Your Engineering Quotient?Test Your EQ presents some basic engineering problems for you to test your engineering quotient. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineBob Paddock | Resource LinksEach month Circuit Cellar's Resource Links provide helpful links and information on a variety of featured topics. |
Circuit Cellar OnlineHarv Weiner | New Product NewsNew Product submissions may be sent to Harv Weiner, 4 Park St., Vernon, CT 06066. |
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