Circuit Cellar Ink 222
January 2009

Table of Contents


CJ Abate

HTML Task Manager

New Year, New Content


John Gorsky

HTML New Product News


David Tweed

HTML Test Your EQ


Michael Mullins

Microcontroller Clock-Locking

Frequency Reference Synchronization

Michael built an accurate frequency reference synchronized to a GPS clock. The frequency counter can count to 50 MHzwith 1-Hz accuracy. You can also use it to generate GPS-locked output signals as a frequency reference or as a component in a radio receiver. The device can display GPS information such as time, location, and velocity.



Clemens Valens

Virtual Audio Control

Build a Virtual Instrument Interface

The Real Virtual Instrument Interface design controls any musical instrument with a MIDI input and captures its audio output over the Internet. The streaming media device interfaces to virtual music studio software and can also simply record audio if you don't need MIDI.



Krzysztof Klimaszewski

Digital Radio Reception

Build a Longwave AM Radio Receiver

Follow Krzysztof as he constructs a digital direct-conversion receiver for long waves. Tuning is controlled by a USB serial connection with a computer running terminal-emulating software. The LM3S811-based system proves you can build a radio receiver with a few discrete components.



Sharad Sinha

Designing with FPGAs

A Guide for Embedded Development

FPGAs are becoming increasingly popular in embedded systems. Sharad presents several useful methods for designing a system with FPGAs. He also addresses concerns that come up during FPGA design on a complex board.


Steve Hendrix

Power Switching in the Real World

Part 1: Basic Applications and Safety Precautions

How well do you understand solid-state power switching? In the first part of this series, Steve introduces the method and provides important safety precautions. Use his tips and tricks to work safely with high-power devices.

From the Bench


Jeff Bachiochi

Access SD Memory Cards

Part 1: Solid-State Storage Media in Embedded Apps

Jeff uses SD solid-state storage media in embedded designs. In this series of articles, he provides a thorough introduction to SD technology. Read on to learn how he gets real data in and out of the SD card with the FAT file format.

Lessons from the Trenches


George Martin

More on Pointers?

This month, George responds to reader requests for a thorough explanation of pointers in C language. He includes several examples and homework assignments. To get you started, George explains the connection between CPU address bits and memory address bits.

Silicon Update


Tom Cantrell

Hot Chips 20

Like Circuit Cellar, the Hot Chips conference just celebrated its 20th birthday. This month, Tom takes a look at today's bleeding-edge silicon that may find its way into tomorrow's mainstream designs. And the 20th birthday is also a good time to look back and reminisce about the hits and misses. Tom says "it's been a fun ride and it ain't over yet."


Crossword Puzzle


Advertiser's Index / February Preview


Steve Ciarcia

HTML Priority Interrupt

'Net-Centric Computing

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