Circuit Cellar Ink 260
March 2012

Table of Contents


CJ Abate

HTML Task Manager

Creativity in Design


CJ Abate

HTML New Product News


David Tweed

HTML Test Your EQ

Questions & Answers


Nan Price

Advanced Robot Technologies

An Interview with Hanno Sander

Electronics have always captivated Hanno Sander, who began programming at an early age. His interests in science and technology led him to start his own company, which enables him to collaborate with other engineers to design robots and create development environments. In January, I interviewed Hanno about his engineering interests, book writing, and the future of artificial intelligence.


Lawrence Foltzer

Robot Navigation

Position Determination from Acoustic Delay Triangulation

Robot navigation doesn't have to be complicated to be effective. You can implement the mathematics of navigation described here to chart a course to a target destination while staying within the native bounds of the 8-bit microcontroller and 8-bit mathematics.



Ian Bromley

Last Chance to Enter the DesignSpark chipKIT(TM) Challenge

Now in its final month, the DesignSpark chipKIT(TM) design challenge for energy-efficient applications is still open for submissions. So, if you're quick, ...


Chris Cantrell

All-in-One Joystick

Build a Propeller-Based TV Gaming Platform

The only thing more exciting than gaming is gaming on a system you develop. Ready to hack an old joystick? You can remove the circuit board and add a custom game system that reads games from an SD card. This article details how to create a virtual machine in a Propeller chip for the arcade hardware of a classic game.



Charles Edmondson

The Rainbow Color Reader

Part 1: A Talking Color Identifier for the Visually Impaired

The Rainbow Color Reader is a small, lightweight, inexpensive color identifier designed for the visually impaired. The design is built on a single processor that stores sound samples. It uses red, green and blue LEDs to identify colors and a speaker to provide sound. The first part of this article series details everything from the hardware to the speech software.



Alexander Pozhitkov

The NakedCPU

Part 2: Experimentation and Communication

The first part of this two-part series provided an overview of the NakedCPU platform, which is designed to provide full access to hardware and a CPU without any operating system restrictions. This article explores the BIOS power-on code, noise production, and reading and writing from the parallel port. Experiments with a LAN adapter and network packets are also covered.


The Consummate Engineer


George Novacek

Microelectronic Component Obsolescence

How to Prepare for an Inevitable Scarcity of Parts

Component obsolescence is a possible problem for which every microelectronics engineer must plan. Two of the most effective forms of preparedness are designing circuits with high tolerance margins and maintaining a preferred parts list.

Embedded Unveiled


Richard Wotiz

Infrared Thermal Detectors

Thermal sensing technology has come a long way since the first radiation thermometer was developed in the early 19th century. Review this survey of thermal sensing technologies -- from thermopile sensors to pyroelectric detectors -- before starting your next temperature-sensing design.

Lessons from the Trenches


George Martin

Printer Port Connections

You've been asked to upgrade an old industrial control system that uses a printer port as a high-speed parallel I/O link to custom electronics contained in an operator's console. But the printer port is dead, right? This article details a few design plans for bridging the gap between old and new technology to meet your project's contemporary requirements.

From the Bench


Jeff Bachiochi

Wheel-Free Mobile Robots

Want to look under the hood of a mobile mechatronics robot? This article covers everything from the interactive programming environment to the robot's hardware design.

Download: Bachiochi-260.ZIP


Crossword Puzzle


Crossword Puzzle - Answers for Issue 259


Advertiser's Index / April Preview


Steve Ciarcia

HTML Priority Interrupt

A Rose by Any Other Name...

FTP Directory for INK 260

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