Circuit Cellar Ink 246
January 2011

Table of Contents


CJ Abate

HTML Task Manager

Circuit Cellar International


John Gorsky

HTML New Product News


David Tweed

HTML Test Your EQ


CJ Abate

HTML WIZnet iMCU 2010 Design Contest Winners

The WIZnet iMCU Design Contest 2010 challenged engineers across the globe to incorporate the W7100 Internet MCU ("iMCU") in creative embedded design projects. The W7100 is an Internet MCU integrating a hardwired TCP/IP core with an 8051 processor. It makes an easy-to-implement platform for applications that require a network connection. By combining the latest hardwired TCP/IP chip with the benefits of the W5100 and 8051 MCU core, the W7100 provides a one-chip solution for all embedded Internet projects. With $15,000 in cash prizes up for grabs, the competition was fierce, with innovative projects coming in from locations such as the United States, Romania, Australia, India, and Japan. The judges' results are now final. Congratulations to the winners!

The Consummate Engineer


George Novacek

Surge Suppression

Tips and Tools for Protecting Circuitry

Electromagnetic pulses always pose a danger to circuits. You have many tools at your disposal, from tranzorbs to MOVs. The key is choosing the right part for the job and putting it in play.


Richard Wotiz

Bicycle ABS Brake System

The Bicycle ABS Brake System controls brake force to reduce wheel skidding. The innovative design measures the force applied to a bike's brake levers, along with the speed of both wheels. If it detects skidding, it drives a pair of stepper motors that pulls back on the brake levers.



Riley Kotchorek
Michael R. Smith
Vahid Garousi

Mobile Application Development

Part 2: A Sound-Detection Algorithm

In the first part of this series, you learned about a prototype used to identify medical issues related to sleep apnea. This article covers the design's current functionality and a sound-detection algorithm.


Don McLane

Stress-Free Probing

Testing and debugging small electronic circuits can be challenging. Using the elbow and sky drop probes described in this article can make the measurement process a bit easier.

Lessons from the Trenches


George Martin

Big Changes in the Embedded World

Part 2: Implement an RTOS and a Real SPI

Before digging into your next project, take some time to study how a real-time operating system (RTOS) and SPI figure into an embedded design. Once you have a sound understanding of the basics, you'll be ready to start programming and put the RTOS to work.


From the Bench


Jeff Bachiochi

Smart Network Access Point

Whether you're networking embedded applications or distant access points in a large utility grid, you need a sound understanding of communication protocols, network development, and data transmission. This article addresses the uses of a "smart" network access point.

Silicon Update


Tom Cantrell

Power Tripping

Energy Conservation on the Embedded Level

Much of the IC-era has been about performance at any price. But lately, attention has turned to "green" and "alternative energy" products, or at least ones that don't chew through so many batteries. This month you take a power trip and learn about some easy ways to reduce, or better yet eliminate, your design's energy bill.


Crossword Puzzle


Crossword Puzzle - Answers for Issue 245


Advertiser's Index / February Preview


Steve Ciarcia

HTML Priority Interrupt

Second-Life Computing

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