Circuit Cellar Ink 243
October 2010

Table of Contents


CJ Abate

HTML Task Manager

Embedded Design Basics and Beyond


John Gorsky

HTML New Product News


David Tweed

HTML Test Your EQ - Answers for Issue 242

The Consummate Engineer


George Novacek

Filters, Filters Everywhere

There's no lack of information about filters and filter design on the Internet. But you need to know specifically how filters figure in embedded control systems. This means you must be familiar with low-pass, antialiasing filters.


Steve Lubbers

Doppler Radar Design

A Doppler radar system can enable you to track speeding vehicles. This design generates a microwave energy burst with a 10-GHz transceiver. The microwave signal bounces off a moving vehicle and the frequency shift is measured to determine its speed.



Monte Dalrymple

Calculator Brain Transplant

Update a Vintage Design with FPGA Technology

Do you remember the glory days of Hewlett-Packard calculators? Here you learn how to replace the CPU in a 30-year-old calculator with an improved FPGA implementation.


James Lyman

Universal Prototyping Board

Having trouble prototyping with microprocessors? Tired of spending too much time cramming and wiring even the simplest projects? Here you learn to build your own universal prototyping board that you can customize for most of your projects.


The Darker Side


Robert Lacoste

A Tour of the Lab

Part 2: The Frequency Domain

In the first part of this series, you learned about the time domain equipment a professional engineer needs to succeed in the ever-evolving embedded design industry. This article is about essential frequency domain equipment.

Above the Ground Plane


Ed Nisley

Avoiding Robotic FAIL

Expect the Unexpected

You're building a robot. Want to prevent failure? Plan for the unexpected. As you'll see, good engineering involves incorporating large safety margins, adequate redundancy, and comprehensive error-handling -- and doing so under budget, of course.

From the Bench


Jeff Bachiochi

Real-Time Feedback

A Versatile LCD Character Display Module

LEDs are efficient and serve an important role in many embedded design projects. But let's face it, a character-based LCD module can really bring a design to the next level. When you're looking for real-time feedback, a versatile LCD module is the way to go.


Silicon Update


Tom Cantrell

Live for Today

The 8-Bit MCU Still Matters

"The 8-bit market is dead." Many years have passed and billions of 8-bit MCUs have hit the market since Tom first heard this statement. And in today's era of 32-bit wunderchips, it's hard for our little friends to get any respect. You may not notice them, but they're everywhere.


Crossword Puzzle


Crossword Puzzle - Answers for Issue 242


Advertiser's Index / November Preview


Steve Ciarcia

HTML Priority Interrupt

Sci-Fi Inspirations

FTP Directory for INK 243

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